Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Do you know you can cure and heal virtually most ailments and diseases with honey?

Do you know that you can lose that excess fat and weight just by eating anything added with honey?

Honey has been known to be part of our nature given herbs.

Honey, a sweet, thick, viscid fluid of agreeable taste and aromatic odor, is collected by the honeybees from the nectarines of flowers, swallowed, assimilated in their honey-stomachs (crops), regurgitated, stored and thoroughly ripened in the cells of the combs. This supplies them, their young, the idle drones and.. . Mankind with nourishment. It is also a precautionary measure so that they and their progeny will be provided with food during seasons when there are no more flowers available. What the bees extract from the flowers is named nectar, a sweet juice which is stored in the special containers of the flowers called nectarines. This luscious drink lures bees and other insects to flowers as an inducement to perform their vocation, the pollination of trees and plants. Nectar is their reward for these services. It is a singular combination, a friendly cooperation between the most admired and beloved objects on earth, flowers, and the most detested and feared creatures, insects.

Using Local Herbs for cure or healing of 99% of our sicknesses and diseases has been on since the beginning of man itself.

There is no disease known to man that hasn't been cured by naturally occurring herbs.

Trees, flowers, water, earth and air has been known to bear 90% of herbs while insects and animals carry the remainder.

Honey is bee’s byproduct which occurs naturally.
For 400 years the use of honey as a treatment is common among the ancient Samarians and Egyptians. Even right now honey is being used in China, India, Greeks and it is documented.

Do you know that you can use honey to cure:-

1) Lost of energy and body weakness
2) Get body needed Vitamins
4) Rheumatic pains or Rheumatism
5) Bone related diseases/Dislocation
6) Hair breakage
7) Skin beauty
8) Dyspepsia
9) Diarrhea10) Gynecological cases
11) Stomach Cancer12) Problem during Pregnancy
13) Weakness erection of pennies
14) Gastroenteritis
15) Cough and Cold (FLU)
16) Asthma

Must Do
If you follow strictly the instruction of the usage of honey; that is following the quantity, time and condition of use and applying same honey would then be very effective in the cure and healing of your diseases.
Let’s look at honey as a cure of SICKLE CELL ANEMIA OR SICKLER.
When or if your kid or ward is a SICKLE CELL ANEMIA OR SICKLER, honey can be use to cure her/him.
1) Get 1/2 pieces of lime2) 1/2 pieces of orange3) 1 egg yoke Get all this mixed together with a mixing machine then add a table-spoon of Original honey (when we talk about honey it should be bees honey and not artificial or sugar honey)Mix all again together.
Once you have mixed all together give to your kid/ward immediately to drink.
Continue this therapy daily. You will notice that the child would get better easily.
Write me if you need any help concerning the use of honey.
If you need free book on how honey can be use cure Stomach Cancer, please do write and indicate Stomach Cancer as your subject.
You might be wondering how to detect a good and natural honey.
There basic things that honey exhibits that makes them natural and original
1) Honey will never freeze if you put it in a freezer.
2) Honey can never attract any insect or fly
3) Honey is very heavy
4) Honey burns if you light it up
